



This web site is not affiliated with any branch of the service and is neither condoned nor supported by them.  This is a personal work.

The Webmaster bears no responsibility for any e-mail links which no longer function. Due to the magnitude of the contents of this web site, there was no attempt made to test the validity of each e-mail address prior to publishing the site. However, the following list of addresses were returned undeliverable when an attempt was made to notify each individual listed whose data had been "gathered" over the internet:

1,) That they were being listed

2.) Asking them to verify the data

3.) Providing them with the opportunity to be withheld from the database.

If anyone knows the correct e-mail address of these people, please advise me, or inform them.


john.chavers@ramstein.af.mil            brett.brozic@intermetro.com           bill.c.baxley@scsnet.com
RalphSwasey@mvcs.org                   jjneiser@ap.org                             kemans@promed.org
hippiendm99@yahoo.com                  jasonchantu@yahoo.com                johnbitchin@yahoo.com
sgt_ski@yahoo.com                         the_k9_kid@yahoo.com                   gosser@gte.net
trmnatr@loa.com                            afherman@uswest.net                     firjose@northernnet.com
tgm07@www.com    `                     twilliams@keck.hawaii.edu                oliver3@mindspring.com
lanettecliff@prodigy.net                   mdcalvert@prodigy.net                    al17644@zoomtown.com
airmail@military.com;                       miear@acavax.lynchburg.edu             rkusmc@compu-ad.net
mjdeardorff@planetx.bloomu.edu       reddok@empirenet.com                    mary@voic.net.com
silver.bullet@winfinity.com               mlocasito@optonline.net                   wfgreene@alltel.net
mcewen@netcommander.com           carberry@oldmail.bedford.net             tommy@mesh.net
morrisses@gibralter.net                   gdgaret@klaatu.zianet.com                johnfargo@cskcorps.com
richlnyy@optonline.net                     membry@gte.com                            kpippin@att.net
adydi@lebmofo.com                        finn44@juno.com                             vensus4@juno.com
a_very_pissed_customer@aol.com      jujubee@Qi-55.com                          gwcaudil@cc.owu.com
chicskr@bigfoot.com                       sthacker@freewweb.com                   palicap@msn.com
rheldibridle@prodijy.net                    hallMA@2mardiv.usmc.com                efdusmc@webtv.net
streeta.moore@mail.pcop.com           howdy65@webtv.net                         hazy14@webtv.net
watchmn@webtv.net                      upstarter@webtv.net                        glooense@dave-world.net
flyneil@worldnet.att.com                 gduff@erols.com                              dblackwell@earthlink.net
bogiex5@worldcom.att.net               mark_gasparin@navyveteran.com        mrc@mssex1.com
almcclanaghan@hotmail.com            digistardesign@hotmail.com                rjbawo@webtv.net

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